Friday, 6 April 2012

Confessions of a Shopaholic

So far this blog isn't going very well and I've been thinking about writing a new post for weeks but just haven't found the time. However here I am, thinking of ways to avoid revision...

Happy Easter! Some of you may know that last year I decided to give up Facebook for lent and I succeeded. However, this year I gave up something a lot more difficult....Shopping. 'How can that be difficult?' you may say. If you have seen the film 'Confessions of a Shopaholic' I am a less extreme version of Rebecca (also minus the designer clothes). I grab every opportunity to go shopping and by the end of the month I have usually spent all but three pounds of my allowance.

Lent happened to fall in the month where I went to two birthday parties and our school decided to have a non-school uniform day. I managed to find an outfit that I already owned for all of these (it's amazing what you can find at the back of your wardrobe). So now I have gone over forty days and forty nights without shopping but the question is: Have I learnt anything?
I'm pleased to say yes. I have now realised that I don't constantly need new clothes and there are much better things I could spend my money on. I shared this revelation with my friend who replied with 'I never understood why you thought that way in the first place'. Addiction cured. 

Anyway a quick update of my life since the last blog. I went surfing a couple of weeks ago which was really fun. I am still searching for a job and failing. I made my A-Level choices (scary times). I have been waiting for a parcel for sixty days and it still hasn't arrived (Note to self: Never order from Hong Kong again!). I met up with Sarah yesterday which was lovely. Also I still have another week of sleep before I have to go back to school and then only four weeks left!  

Don't eat too many Easter eggs! 

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